Interactivity, Instructional Interactions, and Performance Interactions

There is a difference between the traditional “levels of interactivity” for asynchronous e-learning and interactions. Actually, they are very different.


Levels of interactivity are usually used during the Request for Proposal (RFP) and Proposal stages of business development/sales/contracting to figure out scope and pricing for an e-learning project. Based on my experience, I use four levels of interactivity, while many companies/individuals use only three. My definitions are an amalgam of many other definitions I’ve come across over the years:

Pills That Burn Belly Fat Fast

Belly fat, also known as visceral fat, refers to the excess fat accumulated around the abdominal area. While some amount of fat is necessary for bodily functions, too much belly fat can pose serious health risks. Research has linked excess belly fat to various health problems, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

Understanding Fat Burning Pills

Fat burning pills are dietary supplements designed to aid in weight loss by increasing metabolism, reducing appetite, or enhancing fat oxidation. These pills often contain a blend of natural ingredients that purportedly target fat cells and promote their breakdown.

Factors to Consider Before Taking Fat Burning Pills

Before incorporating fat burning pills into your weight loss regimen, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. They can assess your overall health and determine if these supplements are suitable for you. Additionally, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects such as nausea, insomnia, and elevated heart rate.

Effective Ingredients in Fat Burning Pills

Several ingredients commonly found in fat burning pills have been shown to support weight loss. For example, caffeine can boost metabolism and increase fat oxidation, while green tea extract contains antioxidants that aid in fat burning. Other ingredients like Garcinia Cambogia and forskolin may suppress appetite and inhibit fat storage click

Top Pills for Burning Belly Fat Fast

Numerous fat burning supplements are available on the market, each claiming to offer rapid results. Some popular options include Hydroxycut, PhenQ, and Leanbean. While these pills may help accelerate fat loss, it’s essential to consider their ingredients, potential side effects, and user reviews before making a purchase.

Tips for Maximizing Results

While fat burning pills can be a valuable tool for weight loss, they are most effective when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Incorporating whole foods, staying hydrated, and engaging in physical activity can enhance the fat-burning process and improve overall health. Additionally, adequate sleep and stress management are crucial for optimizing results.

  1. Level 1 Interactivity: Passive Learning. Text, graphics, simple audio, simple video, test questions. Learner acts solely as a receiver of information. (Page-Turner)
  2. Level 2 Interactivity: Limited Participation, Makes simple response to instructional cues. Liberal use of multimedia. Some exercises. (Drill & Practice)
  3. Level 3 Interactivity: Complex Participation. Makes a variety of responses using varied techniques in response to instructional cues. (Complex Branching, Complex Choices)
  4. Level 4 Interactivity: Real-Time Participation. Full immersion, simulated job performance /task, real-time feedback. (Real-Time Simulation in Operational Setting)


Interactions, on the other hand, have everything to do with the actual design of the e-learning project to bring about the desired performance change. To focus on the type of interactions we need to design, we need to understand what we are trying to accomplish with the interactions. To do that, we need to take a look at Bloom’s taxonomy. Bloom’s taxonomy is considered hierarchical (from bottom to top), ordered in terms of increasing complexity of learning, and consists of the categories below:

Creating: arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, manage, organize, plan, prepare, propose, write

Evaluating: appraise, argue, assess, attach, choose compare, defend estimate, judge, predict, rate, core, select, support, value, evaluate

Analyzing: analyze, appraise, calculate, categorize, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question

Applying: apply, choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, practice, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write

Understanding: classify, describe, discuss, explain, express, identify, indicate, locate, recognize, report, restate, review, select, translate

Remembering: arrange, define, duplicate, label, list, memorize, name, order, recognize, relate, recall, repeat, reproduce state

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy:

Click on “Next” is not an interaction. Clicking on an audio file to listen is not interaction. Clicking on a video file to watch is not interaction. Clicking on a “reveal” graphic to see more text is not interaction.

There are two types of interactions: Instructional Interactions, and Performance Interactions.

Instructional Interactions

Instructional interactions are centered around Bloom’s level levels of learning such as the “Remembering” and “Understanding” categories (see above). Traditional e-Learning has been about “learning,” and “knowing.” Well, that’s nice, but still does not solve the job skills problem of doing better back the workplace. It’s kind of like driver education classes. You “learn” all about the rules of the road, traffic signs, lane markers, and driving laws. That’s valuable. It’s very valuable. It also falls under “Remembering” and “Understanding.” You wouldn’t give someone driver’s license after only taking a class and passing a written exam would you? What about all the “driving” practice they need? Allen Interactions has a good definition for Instructional Interactions: Interactivity that actively stimulates the learner’s mind to do those things that improve ability and readiness to perform effectively. Instructional interactions are not just about “knowing,” but about getting the learner “ready to do something.”

Performance Interactions

Performance interactions, unlike instructional interactions, focus on Bloom’s higher levels of learning centered around Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating. In other words, DOING stuff. It’s in the DOING that we help learners bring back to the workplace improved performance. It’s what people DO in their jobs that matters, not just what they know. They can “know” all day long, yet what matters at the end of the day is what they “do,” how they perform. Performance is DOING something.

Thinking about it in another way, Performance interactions are moving us toward simulations of the workplace. Here, we allow the learner to opportunity to practice, practice, and practice until they reach proficiency.

I also like Allen Interactions approach to this type of interaction. They call it the CCAF model:

  • Context: Specific, visual, related to application, taps into emotions, personal
  • Challenge: Purpose, progressive difficulty, real-life, multi-step
  • Activity: Requires effort, suggest application, elicit meaningful behavior, direct manipulation
  • Feedback: Intrinsic, delayed judgment, content-rich, honest

Thankfully, we now have the ability and the technology to offer “doing” interactions in out e-learning. I attribute this to the advances in learning technology spurred on by the Game-Based Learning/Serious Games/Simulation movement in our industry.

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