Reflections Of My First MOOC 1

Reflections Of My First MOOC
I recently finished the Gamification course offered by the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business via  The course was six weeks long and had more than 63,000 registered students.  Close to 6,000 finished and I was one of them.  I kept notes as I took the course.  Not of the content, but of ...

It’s Time We Think About Assessments

Tell–>Test, Tell–>Test, Tell–>Test. Next–>Next–>Next–>Next–>Quiz. This is traditional e-Learning and I disagree with it.  It’s a passive and punishment model.  First, you passively read/watch/listen to content, then you get a superfluous test on it, usually multiple-choice.  I hate multiple choice, matching, true/false, drag and drop, pull-down menu quizzes. I think they miss the mark for several ...

Learning Objectives—Yes, No, Maybe 1

I hate Learning Objectives.  Yes, they are a necessary evil.  Yes, they do help shape and mold the learning experience.  Sometimes they do this well, sometimes they completely miss the mark.  Yes, we should ban forever the verbs “learn” and “understand” from our learning objective writing. Why are the necessary?  Because, when done well, they ...